Monday, November 17, 2008

TRL vs. MadTV

Oh, the sadness. We've entered the age when the cable channel known as Music Television plays no music. We've entered the age when Ryan Seacrest decides what we like to hear, every Sunday morning at 9am on the neighborhood KIIS FM. We've entered the age when Carson Daly actually thinks he deserves a late night show.

And what makes it worse? On the other end of the channel spectrum, we're losing another dear friend. Fox has said bye-bye to MADtv, a show that no one has watched since SNL went from really bad to good super political to about to be kinda whatever. No more rip-roaring, stark-raving MADtv? That means no more...whatever was always on MADtv. Margaret Cho? Who was on that show?

Point is: the last, long-standing bastions of musical and comedic culture (apart from morning videos on VH1 and the meager warmth from SNL, respectively) are gone. But if one were to come back...which do you think it would be? Sorta funny or sorta song-y?

First, a look at our opponents.
- Hardly ever plays a whole video, i.e. should actually be named Partial Request Live
+/- Introduced the Boy Band phenomenon
- Final episode of the show featured Seth Green

+ Spy vs. Spy, Ambiguously Gay Duo...come on. That's good stuff.
+ Less stunt casting, no Miley Cyrus
- Less stunt casting, no Miley Cyrus

Round 1
TRL throws rock. And roll.
MADtv throws paper.
= Paper covers rock; TRL wins.

Round 2
TRL throws the Scissor Sisters.
MADtv throws Pauly Shore, who throws Encino Man, who throws rock.
= Rock blunts scissors; MADtv wins.
= Carson Daly tries to dance. It doesn't work out.

Round 3
TRL throws a little more rock, a little less pop. Alienates the older kids. Gets cancelled.
MADtv throws SNL. Whoops. Gets cancelled.
= That would be a tie.

No victor is declared! They both get cancelled! Who saw it coming?!

(A few moments of silence for the fallen elite....)

Who should throwdown next?

Photos: iStock photos

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